These Alaskan skies are amazing! :)
First signs of Christmas were spotted by Sister Platero on our drive across town this morning! Snow indeed! :) We even noticed some of the cars already had snow on them when we got to the parking lot!
So to answer some question that left you all hanging:
Talofa is "Hello!" in Samoan! I don't know if I
mentioned this before but this is a large Polynesian population in Alaska! Kind
of interesting when you consider the weather is so cold compared to the
Polynesian islands! There are two Samoan wards in Anchorage and at least one
Tongan ward that I know of. The family that has us over for dinner every Monday
is Hawaiian! I've been learning a few greetings in different languages
throughout my stay here in Alaska. :)
"J" is still looking forward to her baptism this Thursday!
She is excited to take this step and mentioned how much happier she is and how
much learning about the gospel has changed her attitude. What an incredible
difference this will make in her life, it's exciting! Pictures will be coming
next Monday!
"S" is also looking forward to her baptism October 5!
It's unfortunate she'll have to wait a week to be confirmed, but this
allows for her dad to for sure be to her baptism which is
preferable. I don't think I've ever met anyone more excited to be
"N" is continuing to do well! We'll be spending some
time at her place this afternoon! (She was the one baptized a few weeks
ago) She's still looking foward to being sealed to her family next
year! They are truly a wonderful future eternal family! :)
The move was a quick decision so that's why I didn't mention
it the week before! Haha we found out we'd be moving Saturday night
and packed up and were straight out. I feel like a pauper coming to a
palace compared to the difference in the two places. My personal favorite
quality of the new place is the washer and dryer! :)
The moose picture was taken from the safety of a car, and
using the zoom feature on my nifty camera. Don't worry, I was not as close
as the picture makes it seem. :) I've lived in Alaska long enough now to know
to not get too close to the wildlife! In fact the very first day we landed
in Alaska they sat all of us new missionaries down and we had a special
training on how to deal with wildlife and the safety steps to take to prevent
us from getting injured. I'm guessing that's a training unique to the Alaska
Anchorage Mission! The main message I got from the training was just like Dad
says, "Safety first!"
I hope you're all doing well and happy. :) I love you all!
Sister Hedelius