Happy Earth Day everyone! (Every day is a holiday!)
Thanks for the letters! You know how I just love them! :)
This week was a blast! Just so you know, this is the last week of the transfer
so, next Monday I can let you know if I'm shipping out or staying here! Can't
believe I'm almost done being companions with Sister Hatfield :( I'll really
miss her and the amazing missionary she is!
So we got to help with the boxer puppies again this last
Tuesday which was a blast! Sister Hatfield and I saw the lady who owns them
(Sister Webb) at church on Sunday which was great! She's an incredible woman.
She was actually Jewish for like fourty years or something but joined the
church a few years ago! Amazing!
We also got to talk to Katrina (the lady we teach over
Skype) which was good. She is AMAZING. I am so blown away with the insights she
shares with us. I have my scriptures covered with insights she's shared with
us! Love her desire to learn!
Audrey is still out touring Ivy League Colleges on the East
coast (sounds like someone we know... ;) ) so we didn't get to met with her but
we're planning on see her this week!
Allison is incredible as always! She was talking about the
Book of Mormon and she said, "it was really frustrating I had so much
homework this week, because all I wanted to do was read the Book of
Mormon!" RIGHT?! So cool. Sister Hatfield and I flipped out we were so
excited. She came to church again and even participated in Sunday School. She's
pretty much awesome.
Sister Hatfield's gallbladder has been acting up which is so
sad. :( I feel bad she's been in pain! Going in to get an ultrasound this week
to see what the deal is. There have been a lot of missionaries with gallbladder
problems, one of the sisters who came out just last transfer (six weeks after
me) had her's removed last week! I guess it's a blessing I don't have to worry
about that at all. :)
Well love you all! Congrats to the Grad :) (Does this mean
Mark will not be wearing a teletubby suit this time? ;) ) haha
Love ya!!!
Sister Hedelius
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